
By peterm, 27 October, 2017

I was very impressed with this class the wealth of great driving instructors in our region.

Worked with Shelly Monfort and Mary Pozzi



By peterm, 18 January, 2017

I'm just back from Australia and started listing out some of what I've committed myself or my teams to accomplishing this next year...

Here's the short list of projects I'm leading or involved in for 2017.


By peterm, 30 June, 2016

In Feb 2016 the alternator failed in my Porshce 2001 996. My mechanic was on vacation. I used Mobile German Auto Works here in Santa Cruz. They replaced the alternator and evidently replaced the coolant bypass coupler. The repair cost over double what it cost to replace it the second time. 


By peterm, 28 September, 2015

A simple ExpressJS app that includes a Leaflet example. This is a modified lesson from a Udemyclass I was taking. It uses the jade templating language and pulls in Bootstrap and Mapbox libraries. Here's the description README from github.


By peterm, 28 August, 2015

Upon running this command on my MacBook Air:

docker run -i -t --name mymeanjs --link mymongodb:db_1 -p 80:3000 maccam912/meanjs:latest bash

We have a running container that needs to have the npm and bower installs completed before we can do much with it. We'll then clone meanjs from github and build it. This image It will also need Ruby and the gem sass installed.

So we navigate into the Development directory and clone the github repo, then start building things up.


By peterm, 25 August, 2015

I recently had come across this article, Running a MEAN web application in Docker containers on AWS. I'm researching containers for development work that can start in one place and then migrate into production as a docker file. So I spent an hour getting this up and running. In addition to the steps in the article, I found a few extra steps might make things work better.

1. Update Node. The maccam912 VM has an older version of node. It's an easy fix.

npm cache clean -f


By peterm, 20 June, 2015

Having driven a 1966 VW bug, 1969 van, 1972 bug, dasher, 72 van, in my early years, then Lynda and I drove the van and Penelope till we got Goldie.  Then Goldie died and we got snowball. Later we bought shadow our most expensive car to date.  Shadow and Goldie served us for years till we got hit heading to La Verne. That lead us to Lexie. Lexie served is well until a furlough Friday when her transmission failed.  


By peterm, 7 June, 2015

Going through these hundreds of snapshots, I'm reminded about some of our design principlles in going from the old house to new house. No 70's wallpaper, no vinyl floor patterns, easy cat cleanup, no electric range, no brown tile, no clutter, no slipping on bricks, no dark woods, no carpet, filtered air, filtered water, better and more lighting. 

Even the cats got a new wall library out of the deal.


By peterm, 7 June, 2015

After we moved the propane tank, we knew we wante to stop using the wood burning stove and the old fireplace was never utilized. So, we did a fireplace insert with gas and we've never regretted it. I've updated the thermostat to work with our home automation tools and we can heat the front room in 10-15 mins.  We used Woodstove and Sun and we'll use them again for the firepit supplies when that project gets scoped.
